Finding it Difficult? Time for Your Resilience Training
To say not affected by Covid19 is an understatement, whether that is our physical and mental health or having to adapt to working from home or having to accept things being outside of our control.
I was definitely affected myself. Business engagements postponed, meetups and workshops cancelled. My brain froze until I was able to gain some perspective, to turn myself around.
With every crisis, there comes opportunities and it depends if you can spot and grab hold of them.
How are you perceiving the current situation?
What are you choosing to see?
How are you choosing to respond?
I am personally enjoying watching myself on the emotional ride of "freaking out" to becoming more at peace, from wanting things to be certain and inside my control to knowing that control is often an illusion.
I am also very grateful that I now have an abundance of opportunities to learn and to practise how to respond well to difficult emotions and situations.
Check out the latest videos on the YouTube channel on how to build your resilience and make the most out of this period for your personal development :)