How to Make a Career Change?


Have you been not liking your job and thinking about a career change but you don't know where to start? Or you already know the career change you want but don't know how to get there?

I can really to those of you out there who feel fearful of making a career change because the last thing you want is to change jobs then a couple of years down the track, you find yourself in the same position again of wanting a change. I had been there!

My first tip when you are thinking about making a career move is to get clear on why you want a career change.

Asking yourself, what is it about the current job that you are not enjoying? Is it the environment, or the people you are working with, or the type of work or is it something else? Once you know this, then it is a lot easier to know what needs to change and go change that. Because you might not need a complete overhaul of your career, start all over again, what you might need might be talking to your manager to do more parts of your role that you enjoy or getting into an environment where they value your skills and give you opportunities to grow.

My tip number 2 is once you have decided what you need to change, plan how you want to get there.

Let's say you have decided you don't want to be in your current profession anymore, you want a switch of industry. Then I would ask you "What are your missing steps to get into this industry?" It might be you don't know what it is like to work in this industry, or you don't have the skills or you don't have the connections to get a job in this industry. Whatever that is missing here, go do that. This will get you a lot further on your career change journey.

My third tip is figure out what your internal barriers are to getting there.

Because often it is not about how good you are at planning or following a plan, it is more about if you have the mindset and perseverance to get to where you want. So once you know the career change you want, you have got a plan, I want to ask you what are the barriers to you taking those steps, i.e. what are your fears that are holding you back from executing.

It is very normal to be afraid to put yourself out there, afraid that this might not be the right career choice, afraid that you will regret and later on might not be able to change your decision anymore. I want you to challenge these fears and assumptions that you have about yourself and ask yourself what mindset you need to embrace that will help you to get there.

If you are thinking about making a career move, check out the Make Your Move Programme, which is an 8-week programme designed to get your career vision clear and knock those internal barriers down and use the button below to book me in for a free 30min 1:1 to talk more about your career.

suki xiao