Why Should You Get a Mentor?


Have you been thinking about whether you should get a mentor and wondering what are the benefits of doing so?

I outline 3 reasons why you should get one or a few of these awesome people in your life in this article.

To answer the question why do you need a mentor? First of all, let's talk about what is a mentor. A mentor is someone who has more knowledge and skills than you in a particular field. This term is commonly confused with a coach. The key difference is that the mentor gives advice whereas the coach does not because the coach is there ask you powerful questions to help you elicit your own insights and answers.

So the first reason you should get a mentor is that from the mentor's advice you are more likely to be able to advance much faster in your career and shorten your learning curve. Because of their knowledge and experience, the mentor might be able to tell you what mistakes to avoid and what is the best way to advance.

The second reason is that mentors serve as great sounding boards and can provide you with a different perspective. Mentors are people who are much wiser in the particular area they are expert in and also generally in life, so they can see a wider perspective and your areas of growth. Having conversations with these people will sharpen your mind and help you make better decisions.

The third reason to have a mentor is that you would want these people in your life because they are your biggest supporters. The number one reason why a mentor has chosen to work with you is that they want you to succeed. Mentors are the people in your corner, rooting for you. I definitely have had times in both life and business when I have lost hope and my mentors were the ones who reminded me of my progress and encouraged me to go further.

Then should you have one or multiple mentors? My answer is no one person can serve all your needs. So it is important that you identify which areas of your life you would like to improve on, then get at least a mentor for each area. For example, I have got two mentors for business and one for life in general, they all bring me different perspectives and expertise.

So go out there and get a mentor or two :) My next article and video will be about how to find these amazing people to come into your life to be your mentors. Book me in for a 30 minute free 1:1 using the button below if you want to chat further about your career situation.

suki xiao