How to write a CV?


A CV is like your book cover, you gotta stand out on the shelf and be intriguing enough for the reader to pick up and discover more. So it is super important because that your CV stands out for the right reasons and this will determine whether you get to the next stage of the job application process.

Throughout my career I have always been able to use my CV to land a job interview. I have also been on the other side of the table as a hiring manager for Xero when I was an Agile Coach, so I know what hiring managers are looking for when they are filtering through the hundreds if not thousands of CVs. I have helped my clients from getting auto-reject emails to landing interviews to getting their dream jobs. So that is where my Top 3 Tips for a Winning CV are coming from.

Also make sure you download my free CV template in the link below as I go through more concrete examples there and showing you my CV.

Top CV Tip #1: Keep it short, less than 2 pages.

You might have heard this before, a recruiter or hiring manager has only got less than 20 secs to go through your CV. Yes that is so true, because I have been a hiring manager and to filter through hundreds of applications is no easy feat and we generally have our day job to do as well. So please convey your value succinctly in less than 2 pages to save us wading through the waffle.

Top CV Tip #2: Optimise your CV for skim reading - match the words used in the job ad

If a job says “We are looking for mentoring and coaching skills, someone with excellent communication skills and time management skills” then you give it to them on the first page of your CV by having a paragraph on each of those skills. This makes the hiring manager and recruiters' job easier to see your CV as relevant and because you are a great match, they will definitely want to talk to you further. So yay you are in the next stage of the job application process.

Top CV Tip #3: Use STAR examples for your skill paragraphs

This tip is crucial because a CV is about selling yourself to get a chance to be interviewed so you need to convey your value rather than simply saying you have the skills. The way to show you are competent is by having examples following this format: Situation, Task, Action, Result. By doing this, the recruiter or hiring manager gets the sense that you have the skills fit for the job.

For example the previous job ad said “We are looking for mentoring and coaching skills” and I have a paragraph like the following on my first page:

Mentoring and Coaching

  • When I was an Agile Coach at Xero, I coached and mentored multiple women. I met with them on a regular basis and supported them through their challenges by helping them to self-reflect and to gain the skills and mindset necessary to create change. As a result, these women have increased performance, moved up the career ladder or have since found better and more suitable roles.

If you want to dig further into what is a good template to follow and how to write your STAR examples, then download free CV Template and/or join me LIVE for a free 60-minute CV Masterclass.

If you are new to my site, Hello! My name is Suki Xiao, a certified Career Coach, helping ambitious professionals like yourself to find your dream job and redefine your grind. Let’s connect up on LinkedIn :)

suki xiao