How to Boost Your Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem?

A lot of people including my coachees would say to me "Suki, I need more self-confidence" to which I would ask to clarify "Do you mean increasing your self-confidence or self-esteem"?

I have found a lot of people get self-confidence and self-esteem mixed up. They are inter-related but different.

Self-confidence is your trust in your abilities to do something and this is based on, in my opinion, two things 1) your skill level and 2) your past record of success whereas self-esteem is your perception of yourself, how much you value yourself.

So increasing self-confidence is mainly about increasing your skill level whereas increasing your self-esteem is much harder as that requires you to change how you view yourself.

We might have a low self-esteem because of what the society is telling us or the type of parenting that we have grown up with but whatever the reason is, we can start today to turn that around.

What I would like to offer you is one small habit that you can do to start turning around that negative perception you have of yourself. This habit is pretty powerful as I have done it myself for 6 months last year when my dearest grandmother died and it has helped me to really love myself and I have not looked back since.

So everyday I would like you to ask yourself this question:

"What is one kind thing I can say to myself today?". You only need one kind thing and of course, you can have more but the mininum is one and I want you to do this consistently without fail for at least 45 days straight as sciences show that habits take at least 45 days to build. After a few months, I promise you that you will find a different you :)

If you would like to talk further 1:1 about self-esteem, self-love and how coaching can help you, then drop me line at or book me in for a free 30-min discovery coaching chat.

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