What Makes You Unique?


This week I had to do up my CV because I applied for a governance role. This got me thinking what are my strengths, actually more specifically, what makes me unique, why would an employer choose me over other candidates?

This is similar to the theme that I covered in my last blog post which was about branding. However, this is slightly different because what makes you unique is even deeper than your brand. It goes beyond it.

You might have heard of this term Unique Value Proposition for companies. Unique Value Proposition is the unique value that a product or a company brings to consumers that no one else can. For your own unique value proposition, your consumers are your employer, future or current, your colleagues and your connections.

In my opinion, your personal Unique Value Proposition is made up of four components. And it is the combination of these that makes you unmatchable because no one else has your blend.

1) What is Your Passion?
What is something that gets you out of bed and motivated even if there is no money in it?

2) What is Your Background?
What is your professional background as well as your personal history, like where have you grown up and what professional and personal cultures have you been exposed to?

3) What is Your Personality?
What is your personal style and your character strengths?

4) What is Your Approach to Work?
This is similar to your brand at work, i.e. what are you known for and what are you good at at work, what is your approach and attitude towards work?

So my Unique Value Proposition goes like this:

“I am an ICF credentialed career coach based in New Zealand who is passionate about helping ambitious professionals redefine their grind and ethnically diverse women step into their leadership power. I have got a background in law, finance and tech. Having grown up in both China and New Zealand, I understand the challenges of being an immigrant and of being a woman of colour working in a western world. I am relatable, have a bubbly personality and yet I am downright serious and focused in getting you the results you want. I pride myself in being professional, authentic and challenging the status quo. Would you like to work with me?”

Now it is your turn to go through each component and write a sentence about it. Then you combine the sentences together into a meaningful Unique Value Proposition. I want to hear what you have come up with, so do email me.

On a side note, I am developing a leadership programme specifically for women of colour in New Zealand to step into their leadership power. If you want to find out more, check out this page and email me to register your interest.

Happy Unique Value Proposition writing!

suki xiao