Speaker Panel: What's it like being an Ally?

Speaker Panel: What's it like being an Ally?

from NZ$5.00

Online 13 April 12-1pm NZST

Being an ally means you are someone who works to understand your privileges and uses them to end inequities.

You can have (or lack) privilege because of your race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, education, religion, wealth etc. Because of these privileges or there lack of, we have unequal starting places. So being an ally is about recognising these unequal starting places and taking actions to address imbalances.

It is my warm pleasure to have two incredible allies I have met along my journey, Ruth James and Anthony Marter. They will talk about their experiences of being an ally and share practical examples. This event welcomes everyone, as all of us can be an ally for someone less privileged.

All proceeds will be donated to the speakers’ charities of choice.

About the Speakers

Ruth James

Ruth is the Tech Outreach & Engage Coordinator at Xero. She has spent the last eight years plus working in the tech outreach space in Aotearoa as well as volunteering for a number of charities who work in similar spaces such as Code Club, She# and OMG Tech. Through this work she has learned and understood the importance of being an ally and advocating for underrepresented groups in the technology sector.

When she's not doing Tech Outreach stuff she loves soap making, gardening and hanging out with her husband and two staffys.

Ruth’s charity of choice is DigiTautua, which came as a response to the need expressed by the Pacifica Community as a result of the COVID19 lockdowns and the educational inequities arising from a lack of devices and internet in the homes of their young people.

Anthony Marter

Anthony is passionate about great customer experiences and building leadership in the technology community. He has a diverse background across a wide range of industry sectors and is currently a product management coach and consultant. He's also a serial volunteer for industry, sports, arts and cultural community groups. Anthony strongly believes that the Aotearoa tech sector must become more diverse and inclusive in order to be successful.

Anthony’s charity of choice is Refugees as Survivors New Zealand, which is a leading mental health and wellbeing service for people from refugee backgrounds living in Aotearoa.

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